Norsk Retrieverklubb

Hvem skal til Chatsworth?

Norsk Retrieverklubb har fått invitasjon til deltagelse på International Retriever Team Event at Chatsworth, Derbyshire torsdag 15. og fredag 16. juni

Norsk Retrieverklubb har fått invitasjon til deltagelse på International Retriever Team Event at Chatsworth, Derbyshire torsdag 15. og fredag 16. juni. Retrieverklubben ønsker å sende et lag og dekker påmeldingsavgift og festmiddag. Interesseanmelding til innen 26. februar med meritterer på ekvipasje fra siste år.

golden chatswort

Invitasjonen fra The Kennel Club:

On behalf of The Kennel Club I have much pleasure in inviting Norway to take part again in our International Retriever Team Event at Chatsworth, Derbyshire which will take place on Thursday 15 and Friday 16 June.

As in previous years, the competition will consist of a series of exercises for all four team members in the woodlands, fields and at the lakes, and the final exercise will be for the whole team with a different retrieve for each dog.

 On the evening of Thursday 15 June, your team members together with their wives, husbands, partners and others who may be accompanying the team are invited to be our guests at a Drinks Reception and Buffet Supper at Chatsworth. There will be a Field Trial Training Day for Retrievers with Mark and Jamie Bettinson on Wednesday 14 June, and the Kennel Club Gundog Working Tests will take place on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 June.